Posts Tagged ‘revival’

There is no better way to rock out than a Jake Hamilton CD… and a book called “The Supernatural Ways of Royalty” by Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson should be required reading for all Christians…  I find it intersting that both the musician and author are from the same church… in fact everything I get my hands on lately seems to be coming out of Bethel Church over in California some way or another… There must be some good things going on over there! …but everything that God has been putting in my path lately has focused on the fact that I am Royalty…

My mindset is completely being renewed and changed from the whole lowly Christian who struggles through live hoping to see a bit of God on the way, trying to just live a moral life and do the best I can do… OK, I’m exagerating becasue honestly that’s the way 99% of Christians DO live and were taught… to getting a real grasp on who and what God says I am.

And while that’s a huge topic in itself, worthy of hundreds of novels alone, the royalty thing has been resounding in my ears and my thoughts more than ever…

A friend and I were talking the other day about this… We focus so much on the whole being redeemed from who we are, but not enough on what we were redeemed to be. We read and gloss over passages that say We are joint heirs with Christ… that we will rule and reign with him.. that he is the King of kings but don’t grasp the totality of that scripture… If we are to rule and reign with him, and he is the King OF kings, then who are the kings that Jesus is King over? Wordly kings? NO! It’s us!

If we are brothers of Christ, and children of God, then we are made Royalty with them by proxy… we have all the privleges and access, not just to heaven, but to the life of a royal that Jesus has. Which is both liberating and full of responsibility… It means we are called to act as royalty. We represent Jesus and the father. Think about it, princes and princesses are raised up and trained on how to carry themselves, how to act and interact… And also how to rule, how to fight, and how to hold their head up and not lose composure when the storms come… they are taught dignity and valor, and a sense of pride while maintaining humilty.

Most Christians however are simply taught how to maintain. How to struggle through. How to simply hold on until Jesus comes back. But these above are lessons that we should all be learning.

Yet it’s also liberating. Once we realize who we are and what’s available to us we can come out of that pauper mindset and live the lives we were destined to. We can become what we were called to be. There’s no better feeling than living in your purpose. We can be free of the mentality that keeps us living in failure, shame, low self worth, doubt, lack of hope, and live in that honor and valor that stems from the proper upbringing…

I have been contemplating this while waiting this morning and went to read a friends blog and found this… “Casey Doss preached recently that the book of Revelation makes clear that God has given believers a two-fold assignment on the earth. We are called to be kings and priests. Revelation 1:6 says that Jesus “has made us kings and priests to His God and Father . . . .” This is echoed again in Rev. 5:9, 10: “For You were slain . . . and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth.” Jesus not only washed away our sin and rescued us from hell, but also gave us purpose here on the earth. That purpose is to release both dominion and glory. Kings exercise dominion, and priests release glory. We are both in Christ Jesus.”

What a calling we have as Christians… not to just become born again, not just to impact those around us in a positive way, but to actually BECOME a royal priesthood… Establishing dominion… tearing down walls… and being bold, holding our heads up high, knowing who and what we are even if and when the world doesn’t see it… and releasing the Glory of the Lord here on earth… wow…

I’m just getting started on this and man I have so much more I want to share but it’ll have to wait for now… in the mean time start practicing your bowing, curtsies, and parade waves! After all… you’re royalty!